Helen Keller was a person who inspierd people. She was a kind of person who was blind and beaf person. She loved to read. She had a parner named Annie Sulliven. Shehad a great life. Here is the story.
Helen Keller was a person who inspierd people. She was a kind of person who was blind and beaf person. She loved to read. She had a parner named Annie Sulliven. Shehad a great life. Here is the story.
helens life
Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880 in a little town called Tuscumbia in northwest Alabama. Her parents were Captain Arthur H. Keller, and Kate Adams Keller. When she was 1 year old she took her first step. She had golden curls. She was Kate's first baby. She also loved to read and had a remarkable memory . One day in 1882 she had a terrible fever. The parents had no solutions for her. After a couple days the fever was gone .But, Helen could not hear or see them any more. They went to lots of doctors but they had no cure for her. But they found one at last. Her name was Annie Sullivan. She would teach Helen how to do sign language. It did not go well for 2 years. She could not remember the signs. But one day she went to the water fountain and spelled water like 10 times Annie was about to i've up when Helen was spelling w-a-t-e-r. Annie was so proud of Helen. Helen was spelling w-a-t-e-r like crazy. Annie was yelling "every one come down her she spelled w-a-t-e-r"! Annie and her family were so proud of Helen. From that day on she was spelling words like crazy. Sence Helen could spell, Annie thought it would be a good time to learn how to learn Brail. It toulk a while but, she figerd it out. As Helen was getting older she was getting scoller ships from a lot of collegs. But where ever Helen went Annie was right by her. She grauduated from all the inventations from the collegs. Once she was done with schoolshe was loveing the beach more and more. Her life was a blast from there on.She died on June 1, 1968 at her house. Even she was deaf and blind she did not know that she inspierd lots and lots of poeple.
By: Riley Padden
By: Riley Padden