Molly Pitcher
The Reason They Won
Molly Pitcher is a young patriot. A patriot is a fighter in the war. the people she was fighting with were dieing because of the heat. It was more than 100 degrees. The men said that girls should and cant ever be on the battle-feild. Yet when all the men where hurt and could not move she was the one who fired the cannon that saved them all. Soon General George wantd to see Mrs.Hays ( Molly Pitcher ) to speak about the war. So she was the reason they won the war. She went down in history .
Her Family
Molly Pitcher was married to a man named John Hays. She only had one kid named after his father John L Hays. He was born in 1780. Molly was born in 1754. She died in 1832. John the dad was born in 1752. He died on the battlefield in 1777. Molly was never married again.
Left For John
When she died she hid all of stuff in a place only her son could find. He soon found it and never spent the money or used anything. He thought his mom had just hid her stuff so when she went into war nobody would break in and steal stuff. He never knew she left it for him. So as the years passed everyday he went to see his mother and fathers grave and cried. He soon joined the war. And died of a infection. He was soon buried next to his parents and the pitchers and the hays name stopped as soon as he was proved dead. R.I.P the hays and pitchers.
Women Of Our Time
Molly Pitcher
The Reason They Won
Molly Pitcher is a young patriot. A patriot is a fighter in the war. the people she was fighting with were dieing because of the heat. It was more than 100 degrees. The men said that girls should and cant ever be on the battle-feild. Yet when all the men where hurt and could not move she was the one who fired the cannon that saved them all. Soon General George wantd to see Mrs.Hays ( Molly Pitcher ) to speak about the war. So she was the reason they won the war. She went down in history .
Her Family
Molly Pitcher was married to a man named John Hays. She only had one kid named after his father John L Hays. He was born in 1780. Molly was born in 1754. She died in 1832. John the dad was born in 1752. He died on the battlefield in 1777. Molly was never married again.
Left For John
When she died she hid all of stuff in a place only her son could find. He soon found it and never spent the money or used anything. He thought his mom had just hid her stuff so when she went into war nobody would break in and steal stuff. He never knew she left it for him. So as the years passed everyday he went to see his mother and fathers grave and cried. He soon joined the war. And died of a infection. He was soon buried next to his parents and the pitchers and the hays name stopped as soon as he was proved dead. R.I.P the hays and pitchers.
Women Of Our Time
Molly Pitcher