Albert einstein is known for sCience but what a lot of people don't know is that he was intErested in math. He was born in march 14, 1879. He was born in aN apartment in ulm. WheN he spoke, he mutterEd what he was going to say to himself before he actualLy spoke. he did this to make sure that what he was going to say was correct. in school, he was not a very good student. he only stuDied subjects that interested him. those subjects were science and math. Throughout school he failed tests thAT didn't intErest him. this made the teachers think he was stupid. he answered questions very slowly so that he wouldn't be punished for the wrong answer. THis made his teachers think he was even more stupid. when he went to high school he contInued to only study subjects that interested him. he was a high school dropout. he met some friends who helped him. they tried to get albert interested in other subjects but it didn't work. then one of his friends gave albert thEIr notes and albert used them and passed the test. soon he started searching for A job. he wanted to become a teacher. he studied physics, math and science. he couldn't find a job. then he found a job at the patent office. but he couldn't start until june and it was february. he put an ad in the newspaper about free lessons for math and physics. only one person responded and that was maurice solovine. they became great friends. in 1902 he found out that his wife mevilia had a baby. they named her lieserl . in 1903 they got married. in 1904 they had a baby boy and named him hans. they moved to zurich in 1910 they had a second son named eduard. they did not like it there it was more expensive and albert had a demanding work schedule. the important thing was that he was successful.